Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm writing...just not here that often right now...

I just thought I'd drop by to say that, no, I haven't abandoned writing since John's creativity experiment wrapped up.

But I have been working on a novel that I'd been think about and playing around with for years but never actually got around to working on more than sporadically. I've hooked up with a writing group on Ravelry and this month there's a challenge going on. I committed to writing 25,000 words this month and am already at 16,765 words. Maybe I set my goal a little low, but I think it's more about getting in the habit of working every day, whether I feel like it or not. Whether I feel inspired or not. From that perspective, the whole thing is working out marvelously.

At any rate, I'm around, I'm writing regularly, and I'm feeling good about that.


McMGrad89 said...

How cool is that!! Well, best wishes and break a pen! LOL

I am sure you are doing this on your computer, but I had no other well wishes to give.

Hope to see your name at the Borders and Barnes & Noble.


littlemissattitude said...

Thank you.

Yes, I am writing on the computer. It's the oddest thing. I've gotten to the point where I have trouble composing anything more than a short note in longhand. I don't like that much; what happens if the power goes out? I think it mostly has to do with being able to keep up with my thoughts more easily, as I can type much faster than I can write. I just wish I could find a good, reliable manual typewriter, though, just in case of a power failure.

I'm actually kind of frightened to even think about publication yet. Writing a novel is a long, hard row to hoe. I'm being really good and not trying to go back and edit until I've got the first draft finished, but I can already see places where I'm going to have to revise heavily, move scenes around, and so forth.

But this challenge is good for me in that it keeps me on task, rather than fiddling with what I've already written or trying to do too much research. It is also the boot in the butt that I needed to get said butt in the chair and actually writing, rather than thinking about writing.
