Monday, December 17, 2012

Music Sunday/Monday: The Comfort Music Edition

Yeah. In some quarters, Journey is the band you love to mock. It's always been that way, I suppose. Arena rock. Power ballads. All that. Not Serious Music, I've heard people say, seriously. Liking Journey's music is supposed to be some sort of guilty pleasure.

News flash. I like Journey's music, although I would probably have to say that I'm more a Steve Perry fan than a Journey fan. And so, today, because I need some comfort music, this is the Journey edition of Music Sunday/Monday.

I'll start out with the big hit from the last album Journey made with Steve Perry, "Trial By Fire". The song is "When You Love A Woman", and I love it in all its overproduced glory:

From much earlier in the band's history is this performance from a European television appearance, is "Wheel in the Sky", which first appeared on "Infinity", released in 1978:

This is another of my favorite Journey songs, "Faithfully", from the 1983 album "Frontiers":

Of Steve Perry's solo work, "Oh Sherrie" is probably my favorite, and I really like this video of it as well. It makes fun of big, overblown concept videos in a very clever way:

I think I'll close with what might be Journey's best-known power ballad, "Open Arms", here in a live performance:


my heart's love songs said...

one of the best concerts i ever went to was a Journey concert! they must have a lot of fans or they couldn't have become so famous.

thanks for the videos!

Happy Holidays!

littlemissattitude said...

Glad you liked the videos. It was fun putting this together.
